

Hello. How are you feeling today? That's good (unless you said you were feeling bad. In that case, sorry! Feel better!).

A few necessary things to know about me:

-I'm 22 years old.

-I run heavy machinery for a living. I don't really care for it all that much most days, but it pays the bills.

-I started this blog because I like to write. I don't have any real outlet for writing in my every day life, so I figured starting a blog would give me a reason to do it.

-I'm a quiet person. I don't talk much in social situations. Sometimes I feel like I really only exist on the internet, because I talk more in one day on the internet than I do in two weeks in real life.

-I have a mustache. And it is epically manly.

-I ride a unicycle every day. No, I don't know how to juggle, I have no desire to be a clown, and I'm not joining the fucking circus. Keep your smart-ass comments to yourself.