
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Adventures in the land of B.O.

I have a relative, who will remain nameless, who smells like a combination of human feces and wet dog. I have no idea why. It got me to thinking... There are a lot of people who are just downright DIRTY.

Even when I went to college, and lived in the dorms there were a few people in particular who stunk like MAD. I could understand if they were broke, and couldn't afford a high water bill, BUT THE WATER WAS FREE. They could've taken showers 24 hours a goddamn day, and they wouldn't have to pay a fucking penny of it.

I'm aware that most people can't smell their own body odor... but when your hair is so greasy it's matted to your head, it's time to take a shower. When everyone within a ten-foot radius of you makes the "OH MY GOD, WHAT'S THAT SMELL!?" face, it's time to take a shower. When there is ketchup on your face from hot-dogs on Friday, and it's currently Thursday, it's time to take a shower.

And while I'm on the subject, why don't some people EVER seem to brush their teeth? I've witnessed a person get a piece of apple stuck in their front teeth, and it stayed there for DAYS. I swear to god it even turned green. What the fuck. How hard is it to brush your teeth. It takes like a minute and a half if you take your time.

To anyone reading this: If you can't remember the last time you took a shower, take a shower. If you can't remember the last time you brushed your teeth, PLEASE brush your teeth. And if you haven't showered recently, do us all a favor and use some goddamned deodorant. You probably smell funny.

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